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Living room design 

Gallery apartment living room design

Mainly yellow & warm gray colour scheme.

modern style furniture, gallery art works, antique style lamps and fireplace

function with reading place.

Modern style apartment living design

Mainly wood & cream & brown simple, clean colour scheme.

modern style furniture, gallery art works, 90's style furniture and contemporary design lamps and family entertaining place 

Modern style mansion design

Modern style mansion interior design.
Mainly white & cream & warm gray colour scheme.
contemporary design high ceiling and huge glass windows & doors. The natural lighting come through the inside.

Modern style furniture, gallery art works, kitchen & dining function and family entertaining place.

Modern classic style design

Modern classic style interior design.
Mainly white & cream & warm gray colour scheme, antique & modern style design furniture, high ceiling and classic molding frame windows & doors with mash warm gray curtains.
The big and high windows  natural lighting come through the inside. 

Gallery art works, family entertaining place.

Family room design

Modern style house family room design.
Mainly white &  warm gray colour scheme.
natural oak wood floor and natural timber,  material furniture and bamboo decoration. focal point ceiling lighting and contemporary style furniture,  gallery art works,  reading & dining function and family entertaining place.

Family living room design

Modern classic house family livingroom design.
Mainly cream&warm gray colour scheme.
The natural dark oak wood floor and classic style moldings. High ceiling with main place classic stunning chandelier lighting .

contemporary style furniture, gallery art works, wall fire place function.

Reading &family living and family entertaining place.

Family dining room design

Modern classic house family livingroom design.
Mainly cream&warm gray colour scheme.
The natural dark oak wood floor and classic style moldings. High ceiling with main place classic stunning chandelier lighting .

contemporary style furniture, gallery art works, wall fire place function.

Reading &family living and family entertaining place.

Beach house design

Modern style beach house family living room & dining design.
Mainly blue&warm gray&white colour scheme.
The natural dark oak wood floor and modern style furniture and lighting. High ceiling with main ceiling fan and art gallery obbeje lights.

Family dining & living and family entertaining place.

Modern house design

Modern one story house family living room.
Mainly blue&baby pink gray&white colour scheme.
The natural dark oak wood floor and modern style furniture and lighting. 

Family living room has art gallery, mixed&match style decorative accessories.

Modern reading &home office room design.

Modern mansion apartment  reading &home office room design.
Mainly cream &white colour scheme, red&black point colour in this room.
The natural  wood furniture and modern simple style furniture and lighting.  Specially Not too much decorations in this room just clean and simple concept design, it make you concentrate as much you can your works and reading.

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